Friday, November 26, 2010

Busy Busy Weekend ahead!

Wow what a weekend lying ahead! Here is a sneak peak of what's coming up! Unfortunately no crafting or sewing! It is my son's 9th birthday on Sunday and we will have his birthday party today after school. It is getting so much "easier" the older they get hahaha. Just boys their bikes, cricket kits and a big big lawn to play on! Best part is NO CAKE - I saw on another blog somewhere a doughnut "cake" and will be doing that. Easy peasy - boerewors rolls (hot dogs) some chips and sweets, juice and the doughnuts!

Tonight I have a ladies nite with a very dear friend of mine! Can't wait I know it is gonna be a blast! Already dreading the headache I will have to suffer in silence on Saturday!
 (Love you Babes!)

Early tomorrow morning setting foam party stuff up for another birthday party! Then off to the Pond (nice river) for MBA and companies Christmas Parties! Playing on the Jetski's and boat's! Maybe I will try my hand on some water skiing! Only problem gravity baby - the ladies will know what I mean lol!

Sunday still undecided - all due to weather. But Sunday is my "baby boy's" 9th birthday! Wow they grow up so fast!

Well as you can see busy busy will post pic as we go along!

Happy Thanks Giving to everyone and enjoy your weekend!

OK I need to get going now still so much to do and buy lol for this afternoon's party!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Covertitch...... to buy or not to buy??

I have a Bernina 700D over locker and it is not compatible with a cover stitch foot. I had a look at our local Bernina dealer and thought of upgrading my over locker and the owner showed me a Nina CoverPro 1000CP. I did some internet searches and read allot about the Jerome model (looks the same).
 I do sew allot for my children - tshirting, jersey knit ect! I always have to hem ect with a twin needle and sometimes I am too lazy and leave it raw hehehe.

Any info would be greatly appreciated! O and the best is the price so much cheaper than to upgrade my over locker!
 Ok I think I am starting to convince myself hahahah. Hopefully will show you all my new toy soon!?!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Knit Culottes JJ Burda Style

I downloaded this pattern from Burda Style 24 August 2009 and then again 02 November 2009. I really wante dto make theae and somehow never got to it. After trail and error to copy my own pants I remembered this pattern! Yipee! It was so easy to follow and make! Thanks JJ1 - Burda Style member!
Love that the back and croch worked out first time round! BIG YEAH!!!!!

Looks Like a Skirt lol

It must be a skirt????

Tada!!!! Comfy Pants! 
Love the flair!

Here is the link if you want to try it!
Oh here is some pic of my 10 min skirt for my dauhter check out the rolled hem come lettuce edge!

Oh my no smile :)

Rollerd Hem Lettuce Edge


Well that is that for now!

Hope you all enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Post of SHAME!!

As I said previously - it is time to sort out my craft/sewing room! I am not proud of putting these pic on my blog but I am doing it to remind me to keep it neat and tidy!

Beware I think I must put a PG rating on these pic's lol (I am turning redder and redder in the face;)
Oh my!! Where is my Pazzles?

There you are! This is what happens if I leave the room at 2:30pm

I Think there is 2 machines in there?

There you are!

This area look the best so far lol;)

Presser feet anyone!

And some more!

Needles and more needles - can never have enough!

Oh how nice - all in its place!

Inspiration? I have plenty of that - Thanks Bernina!

Oh don't they just shout USE ME!!!!

This little iron perfect for bias tape and seams

My newest addition - my Zutter binder! Reminds me to follow up on mu o-wire order

Oops will not forget you outside - thinks the lawn needs a cut too!

And what might be in here??

PATTERNS Oh no still have to sort these!

So as you can see it is getting there! Doing the patterns now then more craft stuff and finally I have to get some color in that room! Only dull ideas can come from Dull surroundings lol.

I you don't hear from me soon please send the rescuers as I might need it!

Feeling much better about craft/sewing room just wish it was a bit bigger than 3 x 3m - but it is workable!

Thoughts are running away from me with ideas to jazz it up and what to sew!

So let me get down to business and sort the final nitty gritties!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fishing Compo Richards Bay

Just returned from a very nice weekend away! Fishing was good, company great and YEAH the Springboks WON!!!!
37gk Sail Fish

Had to run 3 times to get timer right lol!

Thank you my love and darlings for a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Getting Orginized - TODAY!!!!

Today is the day - me and the sewing room! Time to get everything in it's place and hopefully there will be some time to start tracing a pattern!

I just know it's gonna be a long night!!! It's always OK, I finished tracing lets just quickly pin, I can just as well cut, let me just sew this bit! Then a grumpy hubby comes in and tell me to get to bed as it is 2 in the morning!!!

Well first I have to clean up, I have been crafting with my Pazzles and there is paper, glue, glitter ect EVERYWHERE!

Watch this space some sewing stuff will be posted hopefully sooner than later!

Enjoy your day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween lanterns

Some quick lanterns for a friends Halloween party! They looked stunning with one little miss hap! One of the lanterns caught fire and it was the one on the gift table :(